Free Meet & Greet via Phone/Zoom

20 MINUTES $Free

Are you curious about the services offered by Alitheia Healing Acupuncture? Can these services work for you? Would you like more detail about Acupuncture, TCM, and ATMAT (Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy)?

While acupuncture treats a broad array of ailments, we like to offer this time to answer any personal questions you have about the services we offer. Alethea, L.Ac, MaOM; our experienced Acupuncturist, is here to answer all of your questions about acupuncture and complimentary alternative medicine - no strings attached. 

As a wise woman once said, “No question is a dumb question, except for those unasked.”


The observation of Pulse and Tongue, based on TCM principals, helps to guide the therapeutic process.

Follow Up Acupuncture Session

60 MINUTES $100

All follow-up acupuncture appointments are available after your initial session is completed.  These sessions function to serve the progression of previous acupuncture sessions; each building upon one other toward the agreed upon goal.*

60 minute sessions focus on acupuncture as the primary treatment modality.

At the time of booking online and in the office, the addition of 30 minutes for ATMAT, TCM, and Energy based Modalities may be added to each follow up session. Please note that the best therapy in this added time will be accessed by the practitioner.

Clients whom have not been in for over a year, please schedule the extra 30 minutes so that we may of the best service to you.

Please schedule these therapies in addition to the follow up session to ensure AHA’s time availability.   


Package Holder - Follow Up Acupuncture Session

60 MINUTES package prices vary

All follow-up acupuncture appointments are available after your initial session is completed.  These sessions function to serve the progression of previous acupuncture sessions; each building upon one other toward the agreed upon goal.*

60 minute sessions focus on acupuncture as the primary treatment modality.

At the time of booking online and in the office, the addition of 30 minutes for ATMAT, TCM, and Energy based Modalities may be added to each follow up session. Please note that the best therapy in this added time will be accessed by the practitioner. Please schedule these therapies in addition to the follow up session to ensure AHA’s time availability. 


*Course of therapy may be re-evaluated and change during these sessions, in agreement with both patient and practitioner. New conditions may be addressed during this session for all returning patients within 18 months time from the initial acupuncture session date.


Initial Consultation & Acupuncture Session

90 MINUTES $150

In this initial session, you and Alethea L.Ac, will discuss your reason for seeking care. This discussion will include a full medical history and intake; including current medications/supplements, lifestyle and nutrition, and what your hopes are in working with AHA.

Hands on Diagnostics will be applied and an individualized Acupuncture Treatment will be delivered. When applicable AHA will email yoga or qi-gong exercises, daily lifestyle suggestions, or nutrition suggestions & food lists. These are sent to the client to aid in their daily routines and support the overarching work of the Acupuncture. Working together, you will agree upon treatment plan options, cost, and foci of therapy; Acupuncture, TCM Modalities, and ATMAT.

Clients with long term chronic conditions, multiple metabolic diagnosis, and chronic digestive disorders are encouraged to book an additional 30 minutes to the Initial Consultation and Acupuncture Session. This ensures the time often required to discuss/diagnose/treat such chronic and complex ailments. This time also accommodates a more refined approach to in home suggestions such as movement exercises, nutrition, and lifestyle recommendations.


Monthly Acupuncture Subscription

ONE 60 minute Acupuncture appointment $75

✨ Monthly Acupuncture Subscriptions are recommended for those seeking out regular acupuncture services.

✨ Each month the subscriber is charged $75.00 and this is credited to an in office, 1 Hr Acupuncture Session. The value for each 1 Hr Acupuncture Session is $100.00.

✨ Acupuncture credits may be rolled over to the next month and used anytime by the subscriber.

✨ Subscribers receive an additional 20% off of all other acupuncture services and additional services of 30 minutes or more. Making each 60 Minute Follow Up Acupuncture $80.00 per. 30 Minute Add-On Services to acupuncture appointments are discounted 20% as well. For example: a 90 minute appointment of 1 hr follow up acupuncture and 30 minutes of cupping would equate to $112.00 after discounts are applied.