Follow-Up Acupuncture
60 MINUTES $100
This follow-up appointment builds on the progress made during your previous session. We’ll assess how you felt after your last treatment and discuss any other areas you’d like to address during this visit. These insights help shape the therapeutic approach for your session. The focus of this appointment is acupuncture, with additional modalities incorporated as appropriate to enhance your treatment.
Patients are encouraged to share their preferences for therapeutic modalities. If the practitioner feels a different approach may be more beneficial, this will be discussed to ensure the best possible care.
Optional therapies can be added to your appointment, allowing extra time for hands-on treatments. Additional charges will apply based on the extra time needed. Charges occur in 7.5, 15, & 30-minute increments.
Add-On Therapies:
30 minutes $40
Cupping - Excellent for pulling congestion out from the muscular and fascial layers of the body. Cupping releases tension, fights off the acute onset of colds, increases circulation and tissue detoxification. Bruising from cupping is common, lasting a week or so.
Gua Sha (‘scraping red’)- Trauma and tension in the body present as inflammation. When gua sha is applied this is released and expressed thru the bruising of the skin. Gua Sha is best applied to joints where ligaments and tendons connect. This technique is also excellent at soothing and ‘training’ chronic scar tissue in the alleviation of tension, stiffness, and pain.
Electrical Stimulation (e-stim)- Needles are applied with the attachment of a positive and negative lead to run current thru the region of focus. E-Stim is excellent at firing muscles bodies into activation and clearing the tension of chronic muscles bodies. While an obvious sensation is desirable for most treatments, this form of therapy is not painful and often used as an adjunct to acupuncture.
Moxibustion (moxa)- A warming therapy which may be applied to acupuncture needles or directly onto the skin. Think of this as an ‘herbal infrared’ therapy, the warmth deeply penetrating the muscles and joints. Moxa is an excellent therapy for those with joint pain, worsened with cold weather, and for those with chronic cold limbs and joints.
Tuina (chinese medical massage), utilizing the meridian flows with a rigorous massage modality, utilizing the same meridian theory for which acupuncture is based.
Acupressure may be employed in lieu of acupuncture and adjunct to all modalities offered by AHA.
QiGong Stretching and Movement sessions will focus on assisting to better utilize the body, thru movement add length and fluidity to the meridian pathways, and focus on breathing.
Nutrition & Herbal Education may be provided as part of your treatment, depending on the focus of care and your openness to receiving this information. Please note, there is no additional charge for creating a personalized herbal or nutrition treatment plan.
However, the cost of herbal prescriptions is separate and not included in the additional time spent on your session. We are committed to providing the highest quality herbal care. Understanding that treatment plans may evolve and herbal prescriptions can change frequently, we prescribe and charge by the tablet, ensuring you only pay for what you need—without requiring the purchase of entire bottles.
Alternative Therapies
Add-On Alternative Therapies
80 MINUTES $150
Reiki/Medical QiGong are energetic practices. Guided visualiation, Sound Therapy with the use of Tibeten Singing Bowls, and Aromatherapy may all be applied as adjunct to this hands off energetic practice. Thispractice is greatest recomended for those seeking healing more on the emotional and spiritual level.
Arvigo Maya Abdominal Therapy is excellent for those with digestive and reproductive disorders.