Food is Medicine…


Food nourishes Mind, Body, and Spirit. It is expressive and artful, the story of ones heritage.

Alitheia Healing Acupuncture believe’s deeply that Food is at the essence of one’s health and wellbeing.

Relationship with food can be a complicated one! Infused with family history, where we live, how we socialize, and what is dictated ‘healthy’ thru science and medicine or simply from the experience of those we trust. For this reason, Alitheia Healing Acupuncture strives to meet food advice to each individual’s relationship to food. AHA firmly believes that providing achievable goals, such as adding more dark leafy greens to the diet, empowers the long term relationship with food and promotes a deeper knowing of food in medicine.

Beyond food, there are many selectioncs of spices and herbal teas that can be taken to support the overall function of our bodies. Such suggestions may also be made along with nutritional advice.

Nutrition and the Initial Consultation Session:

During the Initial Consultation Session AHA strive’s to provide nutritional recomendations when appropriate. AHA does not create nutritional plans but rather provides insight on how current food, drink, and lifestyle habits may be affecting the current trajectory of one’s overall goals of health and wellness. Suggestions are made to greater stear the client in the direction they would like to move into alignment.

AHA highly encourages clients with complicated and long term digestive difficulties to add the (optional) extra time to their Initial Consultation Session.

  • This extra time enables us to delve deeper into your relationship with food, food choices, and how it affects your digestive patterns.

  • This extra time also provides the ability for AHA to provide individualized food suggestions to be added into routine.

  • Acupuncture will always focus on what you’re #1 compaint is that day. As immune function and digestion are often at the heart of our wellbeing and symptoms, you can be sure that supporting the digestive system is a key holisitic component of bringing balance to the whole.

Nutrition and Follow Up Sessions

  • We’ll check in on any suggestions that were made the previous appointment. How are you doing with them? What did you experience?

  • New suggestions may be made, or we may decide to see how you do with establishing more a routine on the suggestions. Again, the process depends on each indivisual.

What does Alethea Healing Acupuncture know about Nutrition?

Alethea Jones, LAc, MaOM, has a deep interest in food as medicine. This interest was nurtured in her Mother’s and Grandmother’s gardens and kitchens as a child. Pulling on this ancestral knowledge Alethea has studied plants he entire life, maintained a garden in her home and the home of others, and studied nurtrition as medicine since the age of 23; then she herself was confronted with the implications of poor food choices in regard to her health. Read more about Alethea’s Journey!