In the ancient wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the quality of your hair and blood can reveal valuable insights about your health and well-being. Considered vital indicators, hair and blood provide a window into the inner workings of your body, offering clues that can be decoded by skilled practitioners of Acupuncture and Eastern Medicine.
Hair, often referred to as the "external blood," holds a unique significance in TCM. Its condition, texture, color, and strength are believed to reflect the balance or imbalances within your body's internal systems. Healthy, lustrous hair is seen as a reflection of abundant Qi (vital energy) and blood flow, while dull, brittle, or thinning hair may indicate imbalances, deficiencies, or stagnation.
Similarly, your blood quality plays a fundamental role in TCM. Considered the chief substance that nourishes and sustains the body, blood carries essential nutrients, oxygen, and vitality to every cell, organ, and tissue. TCM recognizes the importance of ensuring optimal blood quality and circulation for overall health and vitality.